I have been reading and writing ever since I can remember and my favorite stories have always been from ancient times. I’ve taught teenagers for over ten years in and around San Francisco, stepping outside the box by teaching Homer, Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, and Shakespeare.
I have been a literary events coordinator for Edinburgh Castle Pub in San Francisco, a stage manager, and a bookseller.
My teaching efforts have been featured on NPR’s Sound Money and I have spoken at the National Council of Teachers of English convention on the power of ancient story. I give workshops at San Francisco’s annual Kidquake/Litquake festival, and my book, Read Aloud Plays: The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid, (under my maiden name Gwen Bowers) was published in January 2007 by Scholastic. I am currently working on other books set in ancient lands.
In addition to performance-based visits, I am available for these services:

Writing Services
- personal writing coach
- consultation on book proposals
- editing (from structural to line)
Educational Services
- curriculum consultant
- lecturer
- individual tutor
- group workshops
Contact Gwen for details: gwenminorwrites@gmail.com